4 wheeler help needed!!!!!!!!!!

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4 wheeler help needed!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Half-Breed »

Since I know this is the premier home of the bad ass 4 wheeler riders, I figured I would make my one and only post on the subject.

I need a new seat for my 2000 model 500 c.c. artic cat 4x4.

I was changing the battery today and left the seat loose as I drove to the dealership to get the new battery.(I got it at the Honda dealer if that helps) ;)

I wasnt gone 10 minutes and someone had already picked it up as I retraced my steps.

Now what I want to know is how much need can there be for found 4 wheeler seats(besides me needing one)

Do you think some good hearted person is going to put an ad in the local paper and ask me to identify it?

Could someone else be needing a seat for a 500 4x4 arctic cat?

I thought I would see it leaning up against a mail box post or utility pole but hell no!

Im open to suggestions.

see ya'll in El Campo and bring a seat if you have one! LOL
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Post by Brad »


Mike, check out the sites above and look in the classifieds. Try posting there, also see if any other year models fit yours and also check on ebay.

For your seat, i guess check pawn shops?

Sucks man.
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