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Post by gentry1242 »

This movie was pretty good. It is really just a bunch of fight scenes and special effects with cool gadgets unless you have seen the Alien and Predator series movies enough to pick up on the subtle references. The fight scenes were done really well, the characters tie into the Alien series really well, and set up for the original Alien movie that is supposed to happen years later.

All in all, I would say seeing the movie was worth the suffering today due to the 12:01am showing wich put me in bed around 3:30am when I had to get up at 6:00am.
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Post by fowler »

i was dissappointed. i followed both series and new the ties between the two. the fight scenes were AWESOME, but it was another movie that had a ton of potential only to get stupid about half way through it. i thought is should have been much better than it was.

Still entertaining though with those special effects.
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