Search found 26 matches

by 20gabismuth
Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:43 pm
Forum: Waterfowl
Topic: since the fuge is sucking weiners on its database update....
Replies: 5
Views: 11681

Good shoot Andy...................!!!! :thumbsup:
by 20gabismuth
Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:10 am
Forum: Waterfowl
Topic: Refuge down again?
Replies: 24
Views: 29167

I'm with ya no worky!!!!
by 20gabismuth
Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:18 am
Forum: Refuge Gang Hunt 2004
Topic: How Did It Go This Year??
Replies: 1
Views: 11325

How Did It Go This Year??

I have not seen much on the Refuge Forums about the BPO hunt this year!!! How did it go overall guys??
by 20gabismuth
Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:14 am
Forum: Delta Waterfowl
Topic: Are donations tax free?
Replies: 1
Views: 5966

Andy, any kind of donation to a 501 C3 is a tax write off. I would venture to say most outfitters do it for name recognition to spur business. I'm not sure what form Delta has, but most conservation groups have donor form which lists out what they donated and for what amount the trip or item is valu...
by 20gabismuth
Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:36 pm
Forum: General
Topic: he he he
Replies: 3
Views: 5027


Good one chaleau...........!!! :lol:
by 20gabismuth
Sat May 15, 2004 11:52 am
Forum: Restaurant Review
Topic: Texas Roadhouse
Replies: 7
Views: 19854

While my Dad was in ICU ast St. Joes in College Station after his surgery, we went to the one there. I had the Cowboy Sirloin. Good steak and some serious "eye candy"...........Man those Aggie chicks........... :headbanger:
by 20gabismuth
Sat May 15, 2004 11:49 am
Forum: Tips and Tricks
Topic: Storing choke tubes
Replies: 1
Views: 6572

Brad, I use just regular pill jars you get from the pharmacy. Basically airtight and easy to label............ :wink:
by 20gabismuth
Sat May 15, 2004 11:43 am
Forum: Delta Waterfowl
Topic: Houston Delta Fundraiser 2004
Replies: 1
Views: 5809

Houston Delta Fundraiser 2004

Buttershot & Crew..........make sure you let us know when the first Houston Delta meeting for banquet planning is...........!!!!

Preferrably on a Tues or Wed night!! :mrgreen:
by 20gabismuth
Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:57 am
Forum: Restaurant Review
Topic: Topwater Grill
Replies: 1
Views: 4863

Me and the Mrs. are going to have to try this place Brad!! Thanks!!
by 20gabismuth
Sun Feb 22, 2004 8:25 am
Forum: Waterfowl
Topic: Refuge Down??
Replies: 4
Views: 7440

Right here.....................ever since yesterday. I'm thinking it has something to do with the weekend registration process or maintenance. TW............I noticed you collect decoys as well. I have around 30-40, mostly from the Chesapeake region. My fav is Vernon Bryant. I have around 6 of his a...
by 20gabismuth
Sun Feb 22, 2004 6:46 am
Forum: Tips and Tricks
Topic: Putting on Waders
Replies: 10
Views: 14911

Here is a upclose shot.............
by 20gabismuth
Sun Feb 22, 2004 6:45 am
Forum: Tips and Tricks
Topic: Putting on Waders
Replies: 10
Views: 14911

Here is one shot of them on your legs......
by 20gabismuth
Sun Feb 22, 2004 6:40 am
Forum: Tips and Tricks
Topic: Putting on Waders
Replies: 10
Views: 14911

Guys.............what I've found that works is neoprene ankle garters. Thngs work like a charm!!! :wink:

I'll try to find a pic and post up. Best investment you'll find for less than ten bucks.
by 20gabismuth
Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:39 am
Forum: Big Game
Topic: Texas pig hunt
Replies: 10
Views: 13295

Is the pig hunt mpeg gone??
by 20gabismuth
Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:19 pm
Forum: Refuge Gang Hunt 2003
Topic: Pics
Replies: 16
Views: 95259

Cajun Duckman wrote:The gang with the haul...

Left to right; Coastal Ducks and Kate, Mudman, R Waller and Bou'ee, Thibodeaux, MBDUX, Butternuts, Drake 224 and Drake, Drundie, 20gabismuth, Cajun Duckman...
Good picture CD!! I had a hell of a good time that day!! Good to meet all of you fellas!!!
by 20gabismuth
Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:00 pm
Forum: Tips and Tricks
Topic: recipe thread??
Replies: 1
Views: 7525

The "Sloppy Ducks" sounds good swing..................I'm gonna try it!!! Thanks!! 8)
by 20gabismuth
Mon Dec 01, 2003 8:49 pm
Forum: Waterfowl
Topic: Houston HH at Sams...
Replies: 6
Views: 7684

Brad, I'm leaving this Thursday to hunt up on the Red River for 3 days, and won't be back into town until late Sunday night or early in the wee hours of Monday morning, but I'd like to make it!! Sam's Boat was the shiat on Sunday's back in the late 80's and early 90's!!! Man I chugged a few back in ...
by 20gabismuth
Mon Dec 01, 2003 8:36 pm
Forum: Waterfowl
Topic: Refuge Gang Hunt '03......
Replies: 8
Views: 8753

Refuge Gang Hunt '03......

Who all, and what time and day are you rolling into Bay City for the big party on the 12th?

Duck hunting may blow right now, but the geese are getting thick!!! Should be fun!! 8) Can't wait to meet some of you guys!!!
by 20gabismuth
Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:10 pm
Forum: Tips and Tricks
Topic: Converting water keels decoys into weighted keels
Replies: 8
Views: 13282

Skack...........I'll say it again, that is a badass idea dude!!! :D
by 20gabismuth
Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:08 pm
Forum: Tips and Tricks
Topic: Tying windsocks with Texas rags.
Replies: 20
Views: 30710

I'm still tying rags too CD!! Only about 15-25 a day. Here's a tip though, I use an automatic stapler!! Makes it a whole quicker!!

Like Doe Nob says.........I got the rag tying blues, Oh lord I got the rag tying blues!!! :P